Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Twas the night before nano ends

And I'm blogging :D

hee hee okay I've done squat with my nano this year, but admittedly more than last year. Everyone keeps talking about those darned Alphasmarts. Aptly named too. Those alphas smarts when you dont' have one! :P
I saw so many opportunities to write AWAY from the computer. Hopefully Santa will put one under my tree this year. :D

So I'm going to update my website soon and have it lovely with Christmas. I won't be putting up a Cristmas Tree until the 19th though. It's tradition for us to put it up on my Birthday!!! So until then I'll try to write a winter short story and fix my printer-- it's on the blink right now, but hopefully it's just a setting and I can tinker with it.

Have a Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!


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