Friday, September 16, 2005

What are you doing the week of Sept.18?

Lovely World what are you doing this coming week?
Are you sitting outside with a glass of lemonade reading a book?
Are you preparing for winter like the furry little creatures are? (yep they are already at it!)
Are you taking a vacation from life's turmoil?
Are you writing like your fingers are on fire?
Publishing a book or just dreaming of it?
Well let me tell you how to stop dreaming and start doing!
Yep I'm at it again. Go to Romance Divas Forum and register (for free of course!) to take advantage of FREE workshops!!
This month is Candace Havens!!! Oh did I hear a few shouts? huh-uh. :-D She's doing a Fast Draft workshop! I can't wait for this can you? We're all quite excited! It'll be fun and informative!! Don't ya just love when you learn things while having fun? Dont' realize how much you do learn that way do ya? LOL.

How about you agent seekers? what agent? Yep got your attention too right? What if I say....Deidre Knight?
ok ok don't knock me down. :-D She's doing a Q&A in the Class in Session section of the forum so don't miss it!! Yep both this coming week!! So get you keyboard ready, clear off your deskspace and get ready for a wonderful week at Romance Divas!!!

And if you want to check out what else I've been doing check out my other blog. :-D


At Friday, September 16, 2005 9:54:00 PM, Blogger melloman said...

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At Thursday, September 22, 2005 8:13:00 PM, Blogger Night Diva Maria said...

hmm spamming blogs now. That's quite boring so I deleted the posts No more spam for me!


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