Reading List
I'm finally getting back into my groove of being online. Well minus the children's relentless interruptions! :P Where is the moon phase in right now anyway?? Constantly full for the last month?? I don't know about anyone else, but my kids are more wild and reckless than usual! Whatever phase this is I certainly hope the next one is better! ;)So I'm dying to tell you about my reading list!! Since my offline vacation I caught up on reading. I've read most of my backlist of Harlequin Blazes. They were all pretty good. I read something unusual out of my TBR pile, but can't think right now what it was. :P So why mention it? I hear you. :D Well because this is how my warped brain works that's why LOL So I'm trying to finish this Blaze book I started reading the other day, but interruptions make me put it back down again. It's called Her Body of Work. Very intriguing book!! So sexy. I like the premise. An artist hires a man to sculpt for a job that will make her career and make her richer in the sum of six digets. However the man she hires isn't a model (although she doesn't know it) He's got a secret and modeling is his cover. Not sure the ending since I'm only half-way through it, but it's a hot one!
The other on my list is Nora Roberts. Blue Smoke. Love Nora. Love her books. She stumped me with the opening line on this one, I've read it and typed it and pondered it. At first it absolutely made no sense to me. Then I was on the phone with a friend and read it out loud. HAHA makes sense now. So remember that when your writing something. I keep hearing people say they read their writing out loud for flow and such. I can't stand to hear myself talk (one more thing I love about writing I can think outloud without hearing myself!- which is of course yet another warning!! LOL) So yep I'm convinced!! You should read your writing outloud, no matter how ridiculus you feel you sound.
Okay I probably have a zillion words spelled wrong, so please forgive me. I seem to have forgotten how to spell and I'm getting to lazy to look up the words! :P Discouraging since I used to do well spelling.
Ok so excitement time and soon as I get time Blue Smoke is pushed a book back in my TBR pile :D I got a secret book today!! :D I don't want to give it away so sorry hush hush. But it's one of my favorite authors!! She sent it to me today and I'm so excited to read it!! I can't wait for the time! So once the book is released, I'll have to tell you all about it!
Sorry I'm teasing! :D Anticipation makes it better though, don't you think? ;)
Have a great upcoming weekend!!